miércoles, septiembre 06, 2006



There's a constant cry in the park
Baby lost his blue eyes in the dark
He'd been working all night long
Behind the desperate lies
He sleeps like a rock
And awakes with the sun
To freeze the color of the angel
That watches over his shoulder
Hide away, shy away
To keep you from the cool wind
It'll help you crawl through confusion
Make you break away, make you break away
And if this ain't enough
You're going to drown your head in misery
And it's all a blurry memory
And if this ain't enough
You're going to drown your head in cheap whiskey
And it's all a blurry memory
There's a constant cry in the park
Baby lost his blue eyes in the dark
He'd been working all night long
Underneath the desperate lies

3 comentarios:

Coral dijo...

Oh! :(

Rouge dijo...

ush, mana
deberia de poner un anuncio
o un letrerito
o algo para avisar
que este video
si esta pa' cortarse las venas con galletas de animalitos remojadas en leche.... sniff



Coral dijo...

Caramba amiwi no pusiste el letrero de se venden botellitas...


Oye entonces es de mi tierra esta chava ? 0_o

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